Sunday, June 8, 2014

"the one"

"how do you know they are THE ONE?"

ahhh the question that has haunted the human race for centuries. with divorce rates skyrocketing & the amount of people who cheat. lie, and arent happy with their relationships its become a hard question to answer.

and lets face it.

there is no answer. 

there are only signs..... how you interpret those signs and choose to act in response to those signs is up to you.

but i would like to offer my input.

which may be useless but in my short, wise-less 19 years of life i have seen love, felt love, and heard about love....

so here are 20 signs that i, personally, have gathered that in my opinion will surely lead you down a promising path

1.) they are the person you want to be with you not only on friday nights but on monday mornings.

2.) with every minor flaw you find in them that they try so hard to overcome... they become even more perfect to you.

3.) when you listen to Bon Iver, Kodaline, or City and Colour they are the one on your mind.

4.) they are the one person you don't mind ditching parties every once in a while with just so you two can hang out alone.

5.) when you're with them, you can look at other attractive humans of the opposite sex and you appreciate their attractiveness but you don't desire them or their attention.

6.) you can talk about everything with them, from your favorite childhood memories to gross bodily functions to what you think happens after death.

7.) you would sacrifice what you love to do most for them but trust them enough to know they would never ask you to.

8.) you are 100 percent yourself around them.

9.) you can sit on the phone with them in silence for hours. literally.

10.) they tell you immediately when something is bothering them because they can't stand to be mad at you for one more second. and vise versa.

11.) you always want to be with them.... not just texting them, messaging them, or any of that crap. you want their literal presence and nothing less. always.

12.) you miss them when they are away for long periods of time. i mean reallllllly miss them. (this may seem like a no-brainer but you would be surprised...)

13.) there is a difference between needing someone... and needing someone in order to live a life. if someone tells you they desperately need you... and can not continue their life without you in it, comforting them and loving them..... that is a red flag. 

14.) they love their family and they love your family.

15.) they believe in you. truly, TRULY believe in you. but that does not mean they let you do things that they know aren't good for you.

16.) they notice your favorite foods, treats, flowers, shows, restaurants.

17.) they help you be a better person. it isn't that they make you feel like you HAVE to act differently but they make you WANT to be a kinder, more dedicated, hardworking person.

18.) the good in your relationship outweighs the bad by a landslide in both quantity AND quality.

19.) they make your whole soul feel happy and whole.

20.) you have been thinking about them the whole time you have been reading this...

and there you have it folks!!

sorry if i wasted your time but i'm sure you'll get over it.

l8r troops