Monday, April 7, 2014

boys will be boys

hey guys.

how are you today?

i hope you are doing good. because you are alive. and not dead. how fortunate are we to be alive?!

wait, i digress...

okay guys here goes my 'shpeel' on boys.

boys suck don't they? 

we pretend like they don't sometimes but it's true, right? 

they are mean. they break your heart. they flirt with a lot of girls. they make you feel insecure. they pay more attention to other girls than they do to you. they forget to call. they don't text you back. they don't put in enough effort. they say rude things. they aren't there for you. they make out with you then stop talking to you.

they talk about big boobs and nice butts and tiny stomachs and pretty smiles and long hair and bright smiles and pretty blue eyes and funny personalities and soft, flawless skin. and the truth is most of us girls don't have all those! we are lucky enough to score one or two of those things. 

why do they do that? why do boys make us feel like we need to be perfect? why do they make us feel like we aren't good enough or hott enough or smart enough or funny enough...

well girls, truth is: they don't make us feel like that. we do that to ourselves....

i mean, c'mon think about it.

yeah sure, guys like it when a girl has a nice body... but we like boys who have nice muscles too... 

we are human beings.

but when we get down to it...
they love us.

girls,..... boys LOVE us.

they are obsessed with us, actually. 

they do a lot of the things they do FOR US FEMALES. consciously and subconsciously.

they want to impress us just as much as we want to impress them.

they think we're cute. they think we do adorable things. 

they love our long soft hair, but if we chopped it all off I promise if he loves you.... it won't matter. in fact, he might like it even more because it wont get in his face while you're cuddling. 

he likes it when you dress modestly, because then on the rare occasions when you show a little skin its like christmas day and it gets him all excited and makes him want you THAT much more.

he likes your brown eyes. because they add a dark feature to your face. he loves staring into them no matter what because its the window to your soul. and he is in love with your soul. boys are not heartless.

he likes your small boobs or your little butt. because guess what boobs are boobs and butts are butts. and boys are gross.

he thinks you're funny. he thinks the way you laugh is funny and it makes him laugh. he likes your smart-alek jokes and your witty comments. 

he doesn't text you back because sometimes... he just isn't interested in you... and thats something you're just going to get over... move on. forget him just like he forgot about you...

or maybe he has other things on his mind? 

boys need to be reminded every once in a while. "hey, it was weird that you didn't call me back all day yesterday, kinda hurt my feelings can you not do that ever again, thanks..." 

if he gets defensive (and he will) just say its okay? its not the end of the world if he doesn't call or text. just let him know it hurt your feelings and move on with your life. how he chooses to reciprocate is up to him. he will either change or not. if he changes, he cares about you, if he doesn't... be patient. just chill out and remind him kindly. remember he is a male...they don't think those things through.

he ditched you for his guy friends? what a jerk.

go out with your girlfriends, tell him you miss him. whatever you do, DO NOT COMPLAIN.

complaining just makes you both miserable.

just make him want to be with you ASAP without pulling the guilt card.

for example a text like this:

"hey i hope you're having fun! i miss you. you're hott and i want to kiss your face." 

it's a little forward but most guys love that crap. i promise that blows over a lot better than:

"i really wish you didn't hang out with the guys tonight..." or "why dont you just want to hang out with me?" or "when are you gunna hang out with me? that was really inconsiderate of you to ditch me." or "it's just football it doesnt matter. " or "you don't pay enough attention to me.."

boys will be boys. 

if they let you go get your nails done every month let them have their "man time".

now here is the real killer. the thing that gives guys the worst rep.

the 'hit it and quit it' move...

they make out with you... maybe they even take you on a few dates before. then...

they stop talking to you.

this is when you are like "WHAT DID I DO?!" and you start to question every move you made while in their presence. 

chill out.
because guess what?

you just weren't the girl for them.

they weren't that into you.

i know you're thinking "well, why did they have to kiss me and make me believe they liked me?!"

well maybe they did like you? or maybe they didn't.

but the cold hard truth is... they probably don't anymore and they just really don't feel like they should waste anymore time with you...

harsh i know but we do the same thing to guys sometimes we just are a little more kind with how we go about it....

but werent that girl for them. you weren't the right girl. most guys that have a rap as a "playa" will either A.) be a player for life and if thats the case you don't want to be involved with them anyway B.) find that girl who will change them and make them settle down and you just weren't the girl for that. doesn't mean you suck as a person? not at all? and if you think that.. you are letting satan into your head. you just were meant for someone better for you. that also means you might be "that girl" for the next "playa" that takes you on a couple dates. you could be the girl for them that makes them want to settle down and just love you forever. and how beautiful is that..... that there is a guy out there who wants to love on you forever and ever. and he IS out there.

the worst thing you can do is assume all guys are the same. some are complete A-holes and some are angels. but you never know unless you give them a chance. there is nothing wrong with giving people the benefit of the doubt(but don't be completely stupid) before you make your own assumption of them based on your own experience with them. don't believe reputations or rumors until they are confirmed first hand. 

that means your heart will broken sometimes. you will feel like crap sometimes, but you know what? that is so okay.

you will be a better person for it. and when the right guy finally comes along, you will appreciate him 100 times more.

so ya. guys can really suck. but so can girls. and thats life and love. get over it and keep searching for your human soulmate.

i promise.... you're good enough. and you will get through whatever it is you're going through right now.

there are billions and billions of living human beings on this earth. i promise that person is out there. go find them. 

and who knows, maybe that person never comes in your life here on earth... but he will be running to kiss you right on the mouth and hold on to you as soon as you both get up to heaven.

i'm sorry if i wasted your time but i'm sure you will get over it.

l8r troops

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