Tuesday, September 22, 2015


life comes at you dang fast doesn't it...

Things that you were soooooo sure of a year ago, completely change. Things you were so sure about YESTERDAY are completely different today...

it's enticingly daunting, really.

It's kinda weird how certain events are placed in our paths... & at first they seem confusing & frustrating but then we find ourselves in a beautiful place because of that redirection. 

Heavenly Father really knows what he's doing, ya feel? Sometimes we really have to remember God probably knows a few things we don't.

so just hang in there.

ill just give ya a run down on some things i've learned in the last little bit of my existence here.

1.) you are not entitled to ANYTHING. you may think you are entitled to your parents money.... you are wrong. you may think you are entitled to second chances from everyone.... you are wrong. you may think you are entitled to having transportation, having food, having the new iphone..... i hate to break it to ya.... but you're wrong. work your butt of & earn it if you want it. if it's REALLY worth it you will fight for it.

2.) Eating poorly makes you feel like crap and eating healthy makes you feel good..... its as simple as that. take your pick.

3.) Do what you love.

4.) You don't need EVERYONE to like you.

5.) Other people's success has NO impact on your success. The only person you should be worried about being better than is the person you were yesterday.

6.) Girls/Boys don't be afraid to say NO to a date... a kiss... a text.

seriously. it's easier and less painful than you think. just try it... i promise you wont get any uglier or any less popular if you do. I mean give the guy the benefit of the doubt but if after the 3rd date you're not feeling it just tell him.....

7.) Stop caring what other people think because IT WILL EAT YOU ALIVE & YOU WILL NEVER BE TRULY HAPPY. honestly, this is a very hard one, especially for me. I am a people pleaser but you have to realize that it is YOUR life. Don't let other people's negative thoughts bring you down.

8.) Keep some moments private.... just sayin'. Not everything you do feels better if it's on Social Media. Sometimes things are more cherished when they are shared with only those physically present.

9.) Give yourself meditation time at least once a day. Time to reflect, push all the worries of life aside & just be with yourself in your head. Give yourself this time to think progressively & positively.

10.) Be genuine in all that you do. Genuine & pure happiness will follow, I pinky promise.

11.) Listen carefully. When you ask God for something.... look for the answer. be open minded. he will communicate with you in ways that he KNOWS you will vibe with. He knows your passions. When you receive a good feeling... act on it.

12.) Look for the purity in life. Look for feelings of pure love, happines, enjoyment. Stick with those things. (common sense, ya? but there are people who stay away from these things and i am not sure why.)

13.) Don't be afraid to let other people LOVE you. Let the love in, people! I know this better than most that we really only accept the love we think we deserve.... (shoutout to Perks of a Wall Flower) Let people serve you. If you don't, if you push them away... you are actually doing a disservice to them. Once we let that love in. Truly let it sink in, we will begin to love ourselves more.  Our capacity to love others more will increase exponentially. You won't be able to find ENOUGH people to love.

14.) When you feel like doing something good.. DO IT. can you imagine how much better our world would be if everyone acted on every single good thought they had?

How many times have you wanted to compliment someone on something but felt kind of stupid or intimidated.... so you just push the thought away.

How rude!?!?! Tell them for heavens sake!!

you would want someone to do the same for you.

15.) Put lemon or mint in your water.

16.) Check up on what's going on in the world. Read news articles. In this day and age.... we need to know what we're up against.

17.) Try something new. try to express yourself in other ways. try painting or doodling or writing or singing or yoga or somethin'.

18.) If you have the choice to spend your money on an experience or a material item. choose the experience.... always.

19.) Remember that 5 seconds of bravery can change your life.... so push through those 5 seconds of awkward, 5 seconds of difficulty, 5 seconds of sacrifice to get what you want.

20.) You have such a divine purpose. REALIZE THIS.

how do i know? BECAUSE you are on earth right now. because you are reading this. because you are breathing. becuase you have a body that is LIVING. because you have the ability to communicate through actions, words, art, work, emotions. If you don't think you have a purpose here on earth YOU ARE SO WRONG that it makes me cringe thinking about crippling that must be... i know because i have felt that way. IT. IS. CRIPPLING.

You were made for this time on earth. to go through life. to experience the people, places and things you have experienced. Its not about being perfect... its about how willing you are to be perfected.


^ hope that gives you a glimpse of whats been goin' on in my life lately.

k see ya guys

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